Green Energy
‘Fairness’ : everyone suffers equally (except me, and my buds)
It’s NOT just that this admin’s guiding, and underlying belief that success means you must have done something to euchre a lot of people, somehow, and to make life fair the govt whose good is unquestionable, will intercede to take what was unfairly gained and make sure it goes to ‘the right places’.
It’s also that they concurrently believe HUMANS deficient and therefore Gaia must be saved at the expense of human sacrifice and suffering, especially if you are an american (and therefore have succeeded relative to others by euchring them).
Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said that “no one knows” if gasoline prices in the United States will reach $9 per gallon, and acknowledged that the possibility is outside his control.
But that’s not enough…
Are you familiar with a certain Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) official namedAl Armendariz?
Chances are you’ve never heard of him. We suspect most Americans haven’t. However, with the recent unearthing of the video below, that could change very soon.
Thanks to a little digging by the staff of Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), attention has been brought to a 2010 video that seems to confirm what many conservatives have long suspected: that the EPA is at war with the oil and gas industries.
And of course this is all the case because…
“I was the first to call for a 100 percent auction on the cap and trade
system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter,” Obama continued. “That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year.“So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”
So they claim they are POWERLESS to stop oil prices increasing while they act against all fossil fuel entities, PROUDLY, based on the underlying principles of the chief who wants to bankrupt the ‘bad guys’.
If gasoline is $9 a gallon they won’t have to worry about any pollution. They will be facing sedition, insurrection, riots, looting and civil unrest nationwide at Kent State, Watts level by the unemployed, car-less, hopeless, young, and retired.
At $4/gallon we have to plan and budget to see our children and grandchildren 250 miles away. At $9/gallon it’s really 1865 again for seeing family 250 miles away.
Do those people in Washington even CARE about the real HATRED they are inspriring among the people?
This is one of the bluest of states, a rural state, devoid of healthy industry and growing economies. Significantly, in discussions which happen every day, I can’t find ANYONE who voted for Obama, OR WILL ADMIT DOING SO. Yet he got 58% of the vote here.
IMHO, not only are Mr Obama’s attitudes, AND EXECUTIVE ACTIONS relative to the Constitution a danger to the republic (the most since Nixon) but his utterly impractical and unrealistic ideas which result in plans and policies also endanger the American way of life …AND THAT IS HIS PURPOSE.
Nothing can be more important than his defeat this year.
Is is not nothing that that while his arrogant pronouncements and those of his appointees assault our lives every day, his think alikes get INTEREST FREE LOANS.
Nothing can be illustrative of the acceptable, self justifying corruption of the political classes than this kind of mindset. GSA anyone?
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Green Energy