Green Energy
“I want to sing, she is a bride”
Today’s two state democracy and civil values update from the new, exciting, and vibrant PALESTINE………………

PA TV visited mother of suicide bomber. Mother upon news of daughter`s death: I want to sing, she is a bride”I didn’t scream, even my scarf stayed on my head. Everyone came.
Everyone heard what happened… I was sitting and started to sing to her.
I said, ‘It’s the night before your wedding, Darin, and we won’t see you anymore, my daughter.’ People around me said, ‘Allah be with you.’
I said, ‘I haven’t gone mad, I’m not crazy. I want to sing, Darin is a bride.’”
“We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us” -Golda Meir
Bride, 8, Dies of Internal Injuries on Wedding Night in YemenManama: Kuwaitis have called for stringent action against a family in Yemen after their eight-year-old daughter died of internal injuries on the first night of her arranged marriage to a man...
Come. Know The Peace Of Islam. . .
Yahoo News: Dead Yemeni child bride tied up, raped, says mom By AHMAD AL-HAJ, Associated Press Writer Sat Apr 10, 9:39 am ET .SHUEBA, Yemen – A 13-year-old Yemeni child bride who bled to death shortly after marriage was tied down and forced to have...
Indiana: Public School Wanted 2nd Graders To Sing "allah Is God"
From Fox: A battle over religion is brewing in central Indiana after a public school wanted second graders to sing a song declaring, “Allah is God.” The phrase was removed just before the performance after a national conservative group launched a...
A Marriage Made In Islamic Heaven
Look at the photo of the happy couple. JUST LOOK AT IT, FOR QUITE A WHILE. Yep, that's love, if I ever saw it. That's the same look Mrs. Pastorius had on her face when she and I got married. Yesirree. From the BBC: Somali man, '112',...
Hamas : We Are A Nation That Drinks Blood, And We Know That There Is No Blood Better Than The Blood Of Jews
Speechless, but not shocked. Just watch as this is a MUST SEE VIDEO of the true intentions of Muslims towards Jews (and all other non-Muslims), which is outlined clearly in the Quran and Hadeeth (thanks to PMW who found this video) : click the picture...
Green Energy