Green Energy
“it’s kind of just like the same reason why you shouldn’t date a Nazi: You just shouldn’t.”

Lena Dunham of GIRLS, on why you should not date a republican, revealinjg a crystallized one sentence summation of the incredible prejudice and absolute bigotry of ideas taught in schools today.
It’s a miracle the republican party has anyone elected, anywhere.
I wonder what she would think of a Woodstock attending, Vietnam War protest organizing, civil rights working (in the south in the 60’s), activist … WHO IS A FUCKING REPUBLICAN.
Guess what, douchebag, there are actually PLENTY OF US.
What a mindless content spewer.
Not Your Father's Conservatives
Conservatives Must Not Trust Republican Leadershipby Mychal Massie on October 8, 2013 Those of us who consider themselves conservatives need to understand that conservatism to the Republican hierarchy is defined differently...
When I Left The Democratic Party ~ A Year After 9/11, I Knew I Could Never Register As A Republican
And now that feeling has been validatedIf you vote Ken Cuccinelli for Virginia governor, he’ll keep your children safe from sexual predators by making all oral and anal sex—between everyone, even married couples—a felony that carries a sentence...
Two Culturist American Thinker Articles !!
Hey All, I have two articles posted on American Thinker. Click the titles in the paragraphs below to read them! Then go click and comment. PLEASE !! The first is called "George Washington -- The Culturist...
We Are All Danes Now!
“Hold your ground, hold your ground. Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers. I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship,...
Spare Change?
It’s no surprise that Hamas considers the cutoff of foreign money to be “blackmail.” After all, that’s what a teenager always considers the threatened withholding of his allowance to be. “Dad! You can’t do that; it’s not fair!”...
Green Energy