Green Energy
“Soros: U.S. Could “Absorb Some More Debt”
“The country could, actually, absorb some more debt in order to get the economy going,” George Soros told Bloomberg television over the weekend.
Soros said the U.S. should spend money on building infrastructure or improving productivity.
Productivity, where less employees do more, and the same number perform better, thus upping profit without upping costs for investors, boosting wall street but not IMPROVING THE MIDDLE CLASS … but maybe that should be coupled with ENFORCEMENT OF REAL FREE TRADE FIRST

After that we can collapse as the additional debt burden Soros says we can absorb falls on fewer, more productive workers, and they drive to work at $5/gallon
Soros is PURE EVIL.
Stupid Is As Stupid Does? Then ....
Sneaky and secretive for concrete reasons is as „„Soros Returns Capital, Avoids Dodd FrankBOSTON (TheStreet) — George Soros, the billionaire hedge-fund manager and philanthropist best known for breaking the Bank of England in 1992, will return capital...
Soros: Obama Turned Out To Be A Wiener, We Need A Progressive Bolshevik
Th Huffington Post (a wholely owned subsidiary of Amorality Inc.) reports on a meeting with Soros: Soros reportedly told a private gathering of progressive donors that "We have just lost this election, we need to draw a line, And...
J-street Exposed As Soros-funded
The Washington Times (via The American Thinker) reports that the left-wing group J-Street is just another front for the traitorous George Soros: The Jewish-American advocacy group J Street, which bills itself as the dovish alternative to the influential...
Orlando Sentinel: Soros Unhappy With Obama Because He Wouldn't Nationalize Banks?
The Orlando Sentinel is reporting this through it's blog site. Purportedly, Soros said this on Fareed Zakaria's TV show this morning. Anyone have anymore information? To me, this is a stunning admission from Soros. It doesn't surprise me Soros...
Ot For This Site, Slightly, George Soros And Anti-aipac
Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the holocaust... For someone who expressed PUBLICLY no pangs of consicence over his World War 2 collaborationist, anti jewish german activities of arranging the arrest and taking away of jews for the germans...
Green Energy