Surprise - Iran: "White House's fact sheet on nuclear deal differs from actual Geneva agreement." (Taz).
Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said that the White House-released fact sheet is not the actual agreement, but rather an unilateral view of the Geneva text," Mehr news agency reported on Nov. 26."The fact sheet includes some agreements in it, that are different in the final official Geneva document," she said.
It should be noted that the "Fact Sheet: First Step Understandings Regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran's Nuclear Program" was published on the White House website on Nov. 23, while an official statement after the Iran-P5+1 talks was published on Nov. 24.
Iran and six world powers reached a breakthrough deal early on Nov. 24 on Tehran's nuclear program.The two sides have signed a joint "plan of action". The deal signed in Geneva suggests some softening on sanctions against Iran.
The four-paged plan of action is a result of Geneva negotiations` agreement, Afkham said, adding that all words and sentences of the text have been adjusted according to the consideration of all parts.
She also underlined that all words of the "plan of action" have been selected carefully after long negotiations.
The U.S. and its Western allies suspect Iran of developing a nuclear weapon - something that Iran denies.
The Islamic Republic has on numerous occasions stated that it does not seek to develop nuclear weapons, using nuclear energy for medical researches instead.More here.