By Jerry Gordon:
At Noon Saturday, September 21, 2013 (East African Time) a swarm of 10 to 15 al Shabaab terrorists (including one white woman) heavily armed with AK-47s and grenades attacked the high end Westgate Mall in Nairobi resulting in more than 69 dead and 175 wounded with an estimated 30 hostages held in a continuing standoff. Among the wounded are several Americans. According to a report from Nairobi newspaper, The Nation, al Shabaab, an al Qaida (AQ) affiliate in Somalia, Tweeted responsibility for the attack.
There are upwards of an estimated 150,000 Somalis in the US in major cities like Minneapolis St Paul, Boston, Columbus, Nashville, San Diego, Phoenix, Seattle and Salt Lake City, Washington, DC among others. A recent report estimated that the Somali emigre community has sent an estimated $215 million in remittances to Somalia nearly equal to the $242 million that the US provides in humanitarian assistance to Somalia.
Somali refugee entry to the US via the State Department administered Refugee Resettlement program has been fraught with fraud that led to the shutdown for over three years of the P-3 Visa Family Reunification Program.
Some US voluntary agencies that process Somali refugees have commented about innumerable instances of fraud. Somali émigrés have been involved in drug (Khat- a DEA Class A drug), human trafficking, Medicaid and US Health and Human Services minority health grants fraud.
Imams in major Somali émigré centers have been implicated in facilitating al Shabaab recruitment and transportation to Somalia for Jihad training. Other Somalis have been convicted of funneling funds for Al Shabaab via the Halawal money transfer system.
The Nairobi swarming attack is a clear indication that Al Qaeda is not on the run. The US Refugee Resettlement and counter terrorism programs must address the possible threat from the Somali and other Shariah compliant Muslim refugee groups prone to Jihadism for this country to be safe from possible homegrown swarming attacks.
From Refugee Resettlement Watch
Al-Shabaab in 2009: “Beware we are coming!”
Here is a post I wrote in January 2009 where I reported that al-Shabaab spokesmen were caught on tape saying they want to re-establish the Islamic caliphate and eventually control the world. Why is it that we don’t take them at their word?“Islamic rule from Alaska and Chile to South Africa, and from Japan to Russia. Beware, we are coming.”
“Our objectives, by the grace of God, are to see the return of the Islamic Caliphate, the last of which was the Ottoman empire that collapsed in the 1920s. We want to bring that system back and govern the world with God’s law.
The Senators were looking for a link to al-Qaeda, and if there wasn’t one they were happy. They didn’t get it then, and most people don’t get it now—Islamists do not have to be formally linked to have the same ideological goals! Of course, subsequently the link to al-Qaeda was definitively determined.
Kenyan mall slaughter
Update: Israeli forces rescuing hostages according to this report. Hat tip: Janet.Yesterday, al-Shabaab, which most “experts” thought was on the run as the new Somalia government gained strength, has flexed its muscle outside of Somalia to show the world they aren’t done yet. An attack on Obama’s ancestral home is a signal to the world that they are still relevant, and that Obama has not made any peace with the Muslim world.
As of this writing, Sunday morning, CNN is reporting that 59 innocent Saturday shoppers were killed, 175 wounded and the Somali Islamic terrorists still hold 30 hostages in the most deadly attack in Kenya since the US embassy bombing in 1998.
[And, btw where is Drudge? When I started checking out the breaking news yesterday, I began with Drudge, as I usually do, and as of this minute, I'm not even seeing the terror attack mentioned there!]
Frankly I’m sick of these Somali Islamists and the issue of al-Shabaab recruiters operating in the US. Really! I’m sick of our naive view of Somalis and the goals of Islamists.
So please read our friend Jerry Gordon’s account of what happened. He isn’t tired of making the connection between the goals of Islam and refugees. And, folks, it isn’t just that you should fear your next mall shopping trip, the more important Jihad on-going now is the demographic Jihad (read al Hijra—the Islamic doctrine of Jihad by immigration)!
And, have a look at CNN explaining al-Shabaab to their readers. At least some mainstream outlet is doing it—5 years late—but better late then never (what a joke!).
How many Somalis have been resettled in the US?
More than 100,000 now and those are just the ones who came in through the State Department’s Refugee Program with the help of nine federal contractors***. See our now outdated post here.But, if you are thinking we have maybe slowed the flow of new Somali refugees, forget it! Fiscal year 2013 ends in eight days.
As of August 31st we have resettled 6,679 additional Somalis this year alone! Go here.

*** I often wonder if one day these “church” leaders will place their heads in their hands and ask themselves—’God what have I done?’
Related: Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?