Father of Tsarnayev brothers: "My children framed".(Kavzav).The Western press reports that Dzhokhar Tsarnayev was born in Kyrgyzstan, his 26-year-old brother Tamerlan in Russia. The family lived in Dagestan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The father of the brothers is now living in the capital of Dagestan.
Media reported that Tamerlan killed by the American police was boxer and was intended to get US citizenship, wanting to get into the US Olympic team.
Foreign Policy reports:
- One of the most interesting insights into Tamerlan's personality so far comes from a photo album, titled "Will Box For Passport", that photographer Johannes Hirn took of the slain suspect.
Tamerlan was apparently a boxer who hoped to gain citizenship by being selected for the U.S. Olympic team: "Unless his native Chechnya becomes independent, Tamerlan says he would rather compete for the United States than for Russia". Hirn wrote.
Other captions paint Tamerlan as a devoted Muslim. "I'm very religious," he says at one point, noting that he does not smoke or drink alchol. "There are no values anymore" he says, worrying that "people can't control themselves".
At the time the photos were taken, Tamerlan's life did not seem all bad: Hirn writes that he was competing as a boxer, enrolled in Bunker Hill Community College, and pursuing a career as an engineer, and had a half-Portuguese, half-Italian girlfriend who converted to Islam for him.
At some point, though, it all went wrong. In 2009, Tamerlan was arrested for domestic assault and battery after assaulting his girlfriend. The reasons for his descent into terrorism after that will no doubt be clear soon", writes American portal Foreign Policy.
Meanwhile, the father of Tsarnayev brothers told Russian news agency Interfax, "They've been framed", wrote Irish journalist of Bloomberg News Jason Corcoran in Moscow and adds: "Also don't forget the British cops' hasty killing of the innocent Brazilian Jean-Charles de Menezes (explosion in the London subway 2007 - KC).
Russian Service of BBC News also quotes the father of the brothers: "I know my children. They were crystal clear children. They wouldn't hurt a fly", he said. "They were framed".
A renowned journalist of The Guardian, expert on Russia Luke Harding, writes: "I'm struggling to make sense of developments in Boston. War in North Caucasus between jihadists and security forces. No US dimension".
In a special section of Twitter "Dzhokhar Tsarnaev" many bloggers write that someone has created a fake account for Dzhokhar on Facebook, where all the quotes and photos are taken.
A black American blogger from Brooklyn, Barakunde, administrator of portals @cultivatedwit,#howtobeblack, former @theonion, agrees with them.
He writes: "Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's profile on the Russian version of Facebook: What's real, what's fake, and what we don't know".
A Moscow correspondent for The Guardian Miriam Adler also began to doubt the statements of the US government: " How does @Slate know this is Tsarnaev's Amazon wishlist? All I see is first name Dzhokhar".
Numerous bloggers, in particular, Canadian Crystal K. from Toronto, writes: "This Dzhokhar Tsarnaev kid is either gonna kill himself or go with suicide by cop".
Meanwhile, a Washington specialist on Central Asia Nate Schenkkan elaborates: "Local media in Kyrgyzstan now on it: Tsarnaevs lived in Tokmok, near Bishkek, left Kyrgyzstan over 10 yrs ago". Hmmmm....My post from yesterday comes to mind: "Muslim Brotherhood ‘God Father’ Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: No Parental Consent Needed to Wage Jihad in Syria."....who needs parental approval?Read the full story here.