Green Energy
Pope Benedictus XVI Canonized Christian Martyrs slain by Turkish Muslims before leaving office
So sad that he felt he had to do this under quietly as he was leaving office like Clinton pardoning criminal cronies. Tells you even the Pope feels under threat by the massive pro-Jihad PR blitz of the Arab/Islamic world.
The Stealth Jihad at work.
Fuck Islam.
From Will at THE OTHER NEWS:
Church of Saint Caterina in Otranto. |
Pope Benedictus XVI Canonized Christian Martyrs slain by Turkish Muslims before leaving office.(WW).Enza Ferreri, Blog of London-based Italian journalist on politics, society, religion, environment, posted the following on his blog: Pope Benedetto XVI announced that he will leave his ministry at 8pm on February 28.
He made this announcement during a consistory for the canonization of the martyrs of Otrantobeheaded one by one by the Ottoman Turks.Antonio Primaldo and his companions, 800 Christians, were murdered for hatred of their faith by Muslims during the Turkish siege of the town of Otranto, in South-East Italy, on August 13, 1480.As the Qu’ran commands, these infidels were offered the choice to convert to Islam or be slayed. When they refused, the martyrs of Otranto were massacred.
The Qu’ran is obeyed and applied in the same way now as it was in 1480. The only difference between now and then is in the power and military force Muslim armies had then but now now. Let’s make sure that it remains this way in the West.In other parts of the world, Christians are still massacred by Muslims for their faith. Nothing has changed in Islamic doctrine, only the relationship of strength can be a defence for whomever Muslims consider their enemies.
An observation about the different use of the word “martyr”: in Christianity, unlike in Islam, martyrs do not kill. [
My emphasis].
Hmmmm......You have to hand it to his Holiness, he left in Style. “Violence does not build up the kingdom of God, the kingdom of humanity. On the contrary, it is a favorite instrument of the Antichrist, however idealistic its religious motivation may be,” ~ Pope Benedict XVI.'I wonder which religion he was talking about?'Read the full storyhere.
Needed: Denouncement of Muslim Anti-Christian Violence From Will at THE OTHER NEWS: Needed: Denouncement of Muslim Anti-Christian Violence.(INN).By Ashraf Ramelah. A plea for Al-Azhar imam to denounce anti-Christian violence by Muslims as a prerequisite...
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