We were warned.
The liberal media is already pushing a plan to let “health sinners” – like fat people and smokers – die without health care treatments.
The liberal media is already pushing a plan to let “health sinners” – like fat people and smokers – die without health care treatments.
Maybe they’ll make them secret death panels like in Great Britain where a national audit found that half of dying patients placed on the controversial “Liverpool Care Pathway” are never told that life-saving treatment has been withdrawn. Each year 57,000 patientsdie without being told life-saving treatments have been stopped.

The worries about Liverpool Care Pathway arise from reports that it is sometimes invoked without informing either the patient or family. (Photo: Alamy)

The worries about Liverpool Care Pathway arise from reports that it is sometimes invoked without informing either the patient or family. (Photo: Alamy)
The AP reported:
CLICK ON THE TITLE TO READ THE WHOLE STORY.Faced with the high cost of caring for smokers and overeaters, experts say society must grapple with a blunt question: Instead of trying to penalize them and change their ways, why not just let these health sinners die?