Green Energy

Charlotte Bacon, 6
Credit: The Daily Mail

Daniel Barden, 7
Credit: The New Haven Register

Olivia Engel, 6
Credit: The Hartford Courant

Josephine Gay, 7
Credit: The Daily Mail

Ana Marquez-Greene, 6
Credit: Facebook

Dylan Hockley, 6
Credit: U.K. Mirror

Catherine Hubbard, 6
Credit: ABC News

Chase Kowalski, 7
Credit: Danbury News Times

Jesse Lewis, 6
Credit: Danbury News Times

James Mattioli, 6
Credit: WKTV-TV

Grace McDonnell, 7
Credit: Associated Press

Emilie Parker, 6
Credit: Facebook

Noah Pozner, 6
Credit: Associated Press

Caroline Previdi, 6
Credit: The Daily Mail

Jessica Rekos, 6
Credit: The New Haven Register
Not pictured: Madeleine Hsu, Jack Pinto, Avielle Richman, Benjamin Wheeler and Allison Wyatt, all 6 years old.
from The Blaze
Updated --- Stunning: The Media Is Finally Catching On? Reporters Laugh At State Dept. Official Who Tells Them, "the President Doesn't Get Enough Credit" For His Foreign Policy
When asked, what exactly he does not get enough credit for, her answer is, "For engagement." She repeats that assertion several times. This is emblematic of the Obama Administration. If they are talking, they think they are doing something. Actually...
Woman Personally Hailed By Barack Obama In Obamacare Rally As One Of Obamacare's Few Success Stories... Now Reports The Obamacare Insurance Is Too Expensive, And She Won't Have Insurance At All
From Ace: The CNN report quotes President Obama as saying, "I recently received a letter from a woman named Jessica Sanford in Washington state. And here's what she wrote, I am a single mom, no child support, self-employed. and I haven't had...
Debunking Myths
See Giving Proper Credit at Social Sense. Mustang, the webmaster there, debunks some often-touted Arab/Islamic contributions to modern civilization. Excerpt:...Common beliefs about Arabic contributions are a Moslem invention, not based in fact, and perpetuated...
Wired: Feds Warrantlessly Tracking Americans’ Credit Cards in Real Time By Ryan Singel Federal law enforcement agencies have been tracking Americans in real-time using credit cards, loyalty cards and travel reservations without getting a court order,...
Woman In Headscarf Pulled Out Of Line
Hear we go again. CALIFORNIA, Md., March 10 (UPI) -- Officials at a Maryland credit union say a Muslim woman was pulled out of line and served in a backroom because her headscarf violated bank policy banning hats. Kenza Shelby, who says she wears the...
Green Energy