Green Energy

Pray for America Then Fasten Your Seat Belts The Next Four Years Are Going to Be a Bumpy Flight 

From Will at THE OTHER NEWS:

During the 2008 campaign, I explained to my friend and teacher Professor Barry Rubin, that people will not realize what Barack Obama was all about until he is elected but by then it will be too late. By the end of 2009 Rubin (a traditional liberal) was agreeing with me that the presidency of Barack Obama was turning into a disaster. 

Today America chose to reelect Barack Obama for another term as President and just as I said four years ago, I believe that America will now learn about the real Barack Obama, the one who never has to worry about getting voter approval, satisfying campaign donors. This Obama will be more radical then he has ever been before. 

Allow me to provide some insight into what happened, and take a look into the future: Read the full story here.

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