Green Energy
I had always wondered what was with the scar on Obama's head. My own private joke to myself has been that he had a lobotomy, or a chip implanted in his head to communicate with aliens who are directing the destruction of this Earth from beyond.
But, those are just my own private jokes.
Here is a plausible, if still, perhaps, very hard to believe explanation. Plausible because, yes, this would have produced scarring (possibly - children, however, do not scar like adults), but hard to believe because, well, you'd think this idea would have been proposed and researched by someone by now, wouldn't you?
A story:
At the time that Obama went through this ceremony, he was not known as Barack yet, he was known as

On the Day of Ashura, a ritual calledTatbir (also here), was performed where a dagger was used to cut Obama’s scalp from ear to ear1— leaving that telltale, damning keloidal scar which runs from ear to his crown to his other ear(View more pics of these scars at bottom of this page).Tatbir is performed every year on the 10th day of Islamic month of Moharram (roughly month of November), known as the Day of Ashura.
When seeing the bloody pictures of the men who celebrate this holiday, it does not appear as though the cutting occurs all the way from one ear to the other; it looks like the cuts are made on the top of the head. But it is interesting to note how big the scar that Obama has really is. It goes into his neck, in fact.
Newsboy Post has been expecting Obama to describe his ‘Tatbir’ experience; but until he does, we have pictured a Shi’ite Muslim child as he bleeds after he was cut on the head with a dagger during a ceremony marking Ashura. Ashura is the most important day in the Shi’ite calendar, and commemorates the death of“Imam Hussein”, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, in the 7th century Battle of Kerbala.
Afterwards, Obama dropped the useage of his Indonesian surnames, his adopted one, Barry Soetoroand Soebarakh(our favorite); and for the first time began going by his latest alias — Barack Hussein Obama II.
After examining numerous photographs taken by official White House photojournalist Pete Souza, it appears extensive efforts are made to prevent any scar-revealing photos from being released. Of interest to our investigators, is the appointment of Arun S. Chaudhary; a trusted Pakistani Muslim slugged the “YouTube Guru,” who produces all White House in-house propaganda videos and who we feel is instrumental in the video scrubbing of the head scar. We’re also looking into Obama’s longtime barber,Zariff (uses one name), a Muslim who believes 9/11 was an inside job. And despite Obama’s declared deep Christian devotion, he’s shown his dedication to diversity by surrounding himself with Zariff and countless other Muslims in the White House.
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Green Energy