Green Energy
Obama: No Presidential Intelligence Breifings The Week Before The 9/11/12 Embassy Attacks
And yet:
Libya Attack Pre-Planned, Coordinated With Muslim Brotherhood: So claims one report.
It sure does look that way.
But the important story here isn't what Obama failed to do to forestall the attacks, but what Romney said in response to his failure.
Muslim Brotherhood Calls For Worldwide Attacks: They say "protests." They mean attacks.
Tick Tock: So, some precautions were taken -- the embassy was moved to a safehouse.
Problem is, that was also compromised. Likely by our allies, the Freedom Fighters of Libya.
CNN Report On Coordinated Muslim Brotherhood Attack: Here.
Ted Cruz Presents Bill Naming The Muslim Brotherhood A National Security Threat
Naming the Muslim Brotherhood a National Security ThreatThe Muslim Brotherhood is to Islamic terrorism what a virus is to disease. Major terrorist leaders from the Caliph of ISIS to Arafat have the Muslim Brotherhood on their resume. And the current...
Obama Admin. Specifically Calls For Muslim Brotherhood To Have Roll In Government In Egypt
We are at war with Oceania, not Eurasia. Yesterday, the Obama Administration denied claims they backed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Today, the Obama Administration officially backed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. You see how that works?...
Finally, Romney Says It, ‘on Libya, Obama Is Deluded’ .. Now Complete The Equation Mitt…it’s Across The Board
Romney campaign: Obama misled himself on LibyaPresident Barack Obama and his administration did not only mislead the American people, they misled themselves on what happened the night of Sept. 11 in Benghazi, a top Romney foreign-policy advisor...
Libyan Cover Up - Aqim Support, And Help Is Iranian, And Egyptian And It Was Ignored
It just keeps getting better. It now appears that our own people were not only complaining there was not enough security in Libya because of jihadist actions (MI6, in fact, pulled the British ambassador from the nation, and...
Romney Calls Obama Administration Response To Libya Attacks ‘disgraceful’
Barack Obama, the State Dept., and Hilary Clinton herself, first apologized for the film. I don't think they have changed course since then. So, it is true, their first act was to apologize to our enemies. The fact that the Jihadist attack was successful...
Green Energy