Green Energy

According to the caption here, 2.5 million people abandoned their homes during The Great Depression and went on the road seeking work.
Currently, there are 2+ million people in America who have been unemployed more than 99 weeks. Over 2 years.
That means their unemployment benefits have run out. And they have still been unable to find work.
Just as the unemployment numbers began to rise over two years ago, so too will the ranks of the 99er now begin to accelerate.
Pretty much puts the lie to the "if they keep receiving unemployment they won't look for work. If we cut them off they'll find a job".
Really? When the economy is not even creating enough jobs just to keep up with new people entering the workforce? And we won't even talk about the disaster that was August.
But as their benefits have run out, and they've burned through their savings, just where do you think they'll go when Citibank or J.P. Morgan Chase take their home?
Do you think they'll be able to rent somewhere decent with little or no income and their credit now trashed?
Where will they go? Some will no doubt stay with family or friends. But not all, not even the majority.
What will it do to families? Kids sent to stay with grandparents, aunts or uncles while mom and/or dad hit the road looking for work?
I can tell you first hand the strain long term unemployment puts on a husband and wife is unfuckingreal.
What about those who have nowhere to send the kids? Do you think they'll sit idly by and watch those children go hungry? What do you think a parent could resort to just to keep their kids fed? Smash and grab for a can of beans? A home invasion for some Chef Boyardee Ravioli? Stick up for soup and bread money? The hell with the bank heists, how about a grocery store heist? And paper bags, please. They're better insulators stuffed in your clothes against the cold.
Do you really think it can't happen again?
Meanwhile, in the cesspool that is our nation's capitol, the urgent pass it right now jobs plan (bad as it is) is being tabled until sometime next month. After Congress takes a recess/vacation.
Dudes, we're not looking for another handout. WE WANT A DECENT FUCKING JOB.
All the bubbleheads on teevee talk about is how this will affect next year's election.
Obama got one thing right in his jobs campaign speech. He said many out there can't wait until the next election.
I got shocking news for him. Many out there can't wait until next month.
Right now my feeling is that we kick every one of the fuckers out. From Barack Obama through John Boehner and Dick Durbin and Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid and yes, even Michelle Bachmann.
Because they have shown not one of them gives a flying fuck or has a clue about what is going on out here.
Who's leading in the polls for next year doesn't keep us awake at night..
But this does.

Sleep tight tonight.
Oh, and lock your doors.
Just in case. . .

Updated Abbott And Costello
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Green Energy