Green Energy
My youngest is 13 and feeling it.
Daughter # 2 is 23 and excited to be buying her first car. New.
My oldest 25 and going to make me a grandfather in September.I remember sitting with her on the couch when she was 1 or 2 and had chicken pox, watching the latest Blizzard to End All Blizzards march across the U.S.
And scarlet fever with them. Boyfriend breakups.
Vacations at the Maryland shore. Asateague. Williamsburg.
Their wonder at Niagara Falls. How quickly bleach will destroy a stainless steel paring knife. And in the butterfly they hatched from a caterpillar.
Teaching them to fish (oh you dirty bird) and shoot and backpack. How to start a fire with 1 match. And keep it going in the rain.
That day feeding the geese. And a wild horse dropping a mouthful of grass in my lap through the open car window.
It's not where you've been with them or what you've seen.
But how they remember it.
I told them none of this calling me grandpa or poppop stuff.
I am to be referred to as Dude.

Any day now I'll become a grandfather (remember, kid, I'm to be called Dude, NOT grandpa). This was long my oldest daughter's favorite song (and may still be). She even had it on a snow globe. And it's my favorite Coltrane piece. So this...
Doobie Brothers Far From Home I wish you could have stayed a little longer cause it seems like only yesterday You've gotten so much stronger now I know you're on your way We've waited for this moment now it's hard to let you go Cause...
Just Fishin' ?
When my 2 oldest daughters (and I) were younger I sometimes took them fishin' with me. They couldn't have been more than 4 or 5 or 6 or 7. Pictures of them in fishin' hats and denim jackets, pole and tackle box in hand, looking like "what...
The After (no Party) Radio Show
Today The After Party Radio Show will be no party. Today, we are going to discuss 9/11. We are going to remember 9/11. We are going to respect 9/11. If Barack Obama wants to turn 9/11 into a Green Holiday, where we do nice stuff like plant trees, then...
Not Your Father's Heart Attack
Some of you may have noticed I have not posted here since friday. Friday night I and my famly answered the question of whether or not genetics plays the strongest factor in predicting heart attacks. It does. Growing up in the 50's in NYC, we ate...
Green Energy