Green Energy
SEIU drops mask, goes full commie
From Zombie at PJM:
A May Day rally in Los Angeles, co-sponsored by the SEIU and various communist groups, as well as other unions, reflected yet another step in the normalization of self-identified communist and socialist ideologies in the Obama era. Not only did the SEIU help to organize the rally in conjunction with communists, they marched side-by-side with communists, while union members carried communist flags, communists carried union signs, and altogether there was no real way to tell the two apart.
Southern California citizen journalist and photographer “Ringo” was on hand to record the day’s events, and posted a full-length photo essay on his site Ringo’s Pictures. To bring this important photo essay to a wider audience, I present here a small selection of Ringo’s May Day pictures; visit his site to see dozens more photos from the rally.

When I tell people that public political rallies are more and more being led by communists and socialists, most folks simply don’t believe me.
Aw, come on, you’re just giving decent protesters an extreme label, they say. No, actually, I’m not: The communists freely and proudly declare their affiliation.
And the SEIU has no problem marching arm-in-arm with them.

“Smash Capitalism” is a slogan the SEIU apparently endorses — or at least doesn’t mind marching behind.
In case you think the SEIU is some peripheral out-of-the-mainstream organization:
The SEIU devoted $28 million to Obama’s campaign, making the SEIU “the organization that spent the most to help Barack Obama get elected president.” Furthermore, who is Obama’s favorite White House guest and one of his closest confidants?
The individual who has visited the Obama White House the most: SEIU President Andy Stern, who has visited 53 times.
Obama is closely linked with the SEIU.
The SEIU is closely linked with communists.
You do the math.
Click here to see the rest of the photos.
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Green Energy