Fareed Zakaria is a two-faced liar
this photo ought to be in the dictionary under the definition of "two-faced"
And if you think I just picked a bad photo, look at these
Because I dislike Fareed Zakaria SO MUCH, I am going to rip this post off from Robert Spencer in it's entirety:
I am writing this in an airport lounge somewhere in the United States, and Fareed Zakaria is on CNN explaining it all for us at high volume on the TV overhead. I was doing my best not to pay attention, but I just heard him say, in a piece asserting that al-Qaeda's influence is waning in the Islamic world, that the recent uprisings all over the Middle East show that Muslims there "want modernity, jobs and democracy more than they want an Islamic caliphate."Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links
I'm not really surprised that the mainstream media is still peddling such corrosive drivel, but Zakaria might have been kind enough to take even cursory notice of recent stories such as these:
Muslim Brotherhood rising in Libya, envisions government on "Qur'anic principles"
Muslim Brotherhood takes leading role in post-Mubarak Egypt