Go read the whole thing.Aggressive Assertion of Muslim Supremacy by Domination of Public Space
As soon as they move into Dar al-Harb (the lands of the infidel) in any numbers, Islamists think they have a God-given right to dominate public space and intimidate the infidels into submission.
Mosques are of course notorious examples of this (see Mosque blight) but their swaggering, aggressive arrogance and sense of preferential entitlement make them obnoxious to the indigenous inhabitants in many other ways.
The notorious Ground Zero Victory Mosque is just the latest example of a process that has been going on for years in the West, and centuries in lands conquered by Islam:
St George parade cancelled because it's offensive to Muslims
"A MARCH to celebrate St George’s Day has been axed – because the authorities fear it could spark race riots. About 1,500 children were due to take part in a parade to commemorate the patron saint of England on Wednesday. But council bosses in Bradford, West Yorks, have ditched the event over concerns it could upset the Asian community, many of them Muslim. http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/view/35580/St-George-s-parade-scrapped-in-case-it-upsets-Muslims/
Muslims threaten New York restaurant for serving alcohol
"Yet another stealth jihad attempt to compel non-Muslims to change their behavior to accommodate Muslim sensibilities. "Spotted Piglet Hiccups: Boozy Breslin Clashes With Mosque," by Meredith Bryan for the New York Observer, October 27 (thanks to Ed): The much-hyped, soon-to-open Breslin restaurant, situated in the 12-story Ace Hotel on Broadway and 29th, is giving members of the Masjid Ar-Rahman mosque across the street some agita. "Five times a day, there's a hundred cabs on the street--the good news is you can always get a cab," co-owner Ken Friedman told the Transom the other evening. He said some mosque visitors "object to seeing people drink alcohol." http://www.jihadwatch.org/2009/10/muslims-threaten-new-york-restaurant-for-serving-alcohol.html
No go areas in London
When Abu Izzadeen, the firebrand Islamist militant, berated John Reid last week for "daring" to visit a Muslim area, the Home Secretary bridled, as did many others, at his suggestion that part of London was off limits for a British minister of the Crown. There was nowhere in this country from which anyone should be excluded, Mr Reid said; nowhere that could be called exclusively Muslim. He was speaking just a couple of Tube stops from West Ham, close to the site for the 2012 Olympic stadium, where a huge row is about to erupt over plans to construct a mosque. However, this is not any old mosque built to serve the local community. It will be the largest place of worship in Europe, a gigantic three-storey Islamic centre, with schools and other facilities, able to hold at least 40,000 worshippers and up to 70,000 if necessary. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/3632591/The-shadow-cast-by-a-mega-mosque.html