Green Energy
Hvae you seen the latest from the bloodsuckers? It takes a special kind of wicked to dream something like this up. Rauf and Daisy the Khan have found the few 911 families that do not despise them and,
using taxpayer dollars (which is their jizya specialty), have found their way to a new low with this malevolent "tribute." Man, are these Islamic supremacist pit bulls desperate for that Ground Zero mosquestrosity, or what? And shame on the Manahattan Community Art Fund, NYC Dept of Cultural Affairs, administered by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, for using our taxpayer dollars to fund this cheezy propaganda.
Neeedless to say, not one thin dime of taxpayer dollars was used to produce our Ground Zero Mosque film, and we were SRO in DC and NY. If this manipulative mush is well attended, it's because our people will be there. Go. Ask Daisy and Rauf the tough questions. Knowing them, they will be too cowardly to show up.
Check out the promo -- read the first paragraph, and then
scroll to the bottom. What lowlives.
The Cordoba initiative & ASMA (American Society for Muslim Advancement, Daisy the Khan's group) have hit bottom, yet keep digging, trying to find their way back home -- to Hades.
They. have. no. shame.

Save everyone the heartache and stop this disgusting, callous act of imperialism. Enough.
We are so on to you.
Set up a screening of the film The Ground Zero Mosque: Second Wave of the 911 Attacks.
= Make it viral =
Imam Feisal Rauf, Daisy Khan, And Polygamy
From Atlas Shrugs: Wife #3, Daisy The younger Rauf didn't follow his father's path into religion until later in life. He studied physics at Columbia University and in New Jersey, and dabbled in teaching, sales and real estate. He married,...
Why Is The Ground Zero Mosque Removing Web Pages & Changing It's Name? From Jawa: Update date on Mad Mullah's Also Involved In Ground Zero Mosque? Creeping Sharia More deception and dishonesty from Imam Rauf. Claudia Rosett, as Thomas...
What You Need To Know About The Ground Zero Mosque, The Cordoba Initative, and the Imam Behind Both Islamic Supremacist 911 Mega Mosque Imam Rauf's "Muslim Leader of the Future" Hater, Anti-Semite, Jihadist Ground Zero Mosque Imam Tied To "Free...
The Ground Zero Mosque Developer: Muslim Brotherhood Roots, Radical DreamsFrom Alyssa Lappen, with thanks to Damien:The prospective developer of a $100 million, 13-story mosque 600 feet from Ground Zero presents himself as a Muslim moderate (1). Yet Kuwait-born...
13-story Mosque To Be Built Two Blocks From Wtc - Committee In Charge Of Development Named After Seat Of Islamic Caliphate In Spain
From Watcher: Islam gets a foothold right near the place where some 3,000 people were killed in the name of Allah on September 11, 2001. (NY Daily News) A proposal to build a mosque steps from Ground Zero received the support of a downtown committee despite...
Green Energy