Green Energy
Pallywood scores another hit
From Watcher at Eye on the World:
(West Bank) Over the weekend the world went stupid over how a so called innocent Palestinian woman (Ms Abu Rahmeh) died in agony after inhaling tear gas used by nasty IDF troops in which to quell any dissent against the vile racist Israeli regime.

For some reason when the Israelis asked the medical staff at the hospital where this woman died for further information, the Palestinian Authority refused. But not to be thwarted the IDF persisted and found out that ms Rahmed had actually died of cancer and had been bedridden for the 10 day prior to her death. Of course as in every other example of a false death attributed to the Jews nobody in the west has bothered reporting this revelation. I wonder why?
Victims Shouldn't Be Put Together With Attackers At Hospital
The Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital prides itself on co-existence between Jews and Arabs. And according to this article, an Arabic doctor saved the life of a Jewish 13-year-old, which is very commendable and heroic. However, they've also done something...
Another Car Ramming Attack And Murder In Jerusalem
Another car jihadist struck in Jerusalem: An Israeli man died and a woman was seriously injured after being hit by a car at a bus stop where they were standing on Wednesday night at the French Hill junction in Jerusalem. The man who died was identified...
Palestinian “Partner in Peace” Mahmoud Abbas Mourns Death of Mastermind Behind ‘72 Olympics Munich MassacreFrom Weasel Zippers: (CNN) — Abu Daoud, the man who claimed to be the mastermind behind the massacre that marked the 1972 Munich Olympics,...
Ynet News: Suspicion: Palestinian killed wife because she was carrying girl Police say West Bank Palestinian choked wife to death over ultrasound results; relatives say he was jealous of brother, who has nine sons Ali Waked Published: 05.13.10, 14:18...
The Award For Dumbarse Terrorist Act Goes To Islamic Jihad
Islamic Jihad have claimed the lives of two Arab Israelis, amidst the elections in Israel. Reportedly, adult and child. The title at the BBC article is "Three die during Israeli voting", which confused me since it then says Two Israelis have been...
Green Energy