Green Energy
Obama Reversing Position on Offshore Drilling, For Next 7 Years No New Drilling in Gulf of Mexico, The Atlantic and Pacific Coasts

If Obama really were purposefully trying to make America a pathetic waste of a once-great Nation, would he be doing anything differently?
Great News… Obama Suspends Laws Of Economics!
Obama: “We Can’t Just Drill Our Way To Lower Gas Prices”As usual, politicians have been rolling out their three-point plans for two-dollar gas: drill, drill, and drill some more. Well, my response is, we have been drilling.Feb 3, 2011U.S. in Contempt...
Has Obama Approved Any Moves Forward In Domestic Oil Drilling Or Production?
From Beltway Confidential: President Obama threatened to veto legislation that would expand oil drilling in Alaska and offshore reserves and greenlight the Keystone XL pipeline construction, after he warned this morning that gas prices will continue to...
Petrobras — One Of The Top Two Investments Of George Soros
Soros is going to make billions if America cuts back on the offshore drilling operation? Story here (with thanks to Will)....
Does Obama Have A Clue... to how much economic damage his ban on offshore oil drilling can cause? From Yid With Lid:According to the Wood Mackenzie Research and Consulting show the six month moratorium will result in the following consequences:* The 33 drilling platforms...
Off-shore Oil-drilling, Obama, Soros, Petrobas: Connecting The Dots
From the Astute Bloggers: DOT #1: WSJ: Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling Too bad it's not in U.S. waters. You read that headline correctly. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration is financing oil exploration off Brazil. The U.S. is going to lend...
Green Energy