Green Energy

Blogger Citizen Warrior informs us that the first hearing in Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff’s case took place on 23 Nov 2010 in the court of Vienna, Austria.
Charges were brought against her because of a seminar in which she taught the truth about Islam.
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Donald Trump And The Counter-jihad
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Donald Trump, Frank Gaffney, March 6 2011 From Gates of Vienna: The photo above shows Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Donald Trump, and Frank Gaffney at the launch of The United West in Miami, Florida on March 6, 2011. Although...
Austria Has A Law Protecting Islam
One that wasn't clear to me until the Gatestone Institute explained it while reporting how Austria is becoming the Muslim Brotherhood's new European HQ: The enticement, however, that might really make Austria attractive to the Muslim Brotherhood,...
Elisabeth’s Voice: Fighting For Free Speech In Austria
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff has been charged with “hate speech” for telling the truth about Islam in Austria. The appeal “Elisabeth’s Voice” has been launched to aid her legal defense. ...
Elisabeth’s Voice: An Appeal This post is taken from the Vlad Tepes Blog: A Call to Mobilize the American Blogosphere in Support of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff We, the undersigned — consisting of four European blogs, one Canadian blog, and one American...
What Islam Is Doing To Austria Right Now
This is a dispatch from Austria to inform readers about the current status of Islam in Austria. I will first give you some historical background, which I believe will shock most of you. It shocked the speakers and delegates at the recent Counterjihad...
Green Energy