Green Energy

Standing up for the rights of women will get you branded a racist and a sexist these days. And while women in Australia are free to wear the burqa, apparently Sergio Redegalli is not free, at least in the eyes of many, to call on them not to wear it. Yet another Islamic challenge to the freedom of expression.
Click on the title to read the whole story at Jihad Watch.
You've Come A Long Way, Baby
Yeah, women used to have to wear black burqas in Afghanistan. Now that we've freed them, they wear white burqas. Afghan women in white burqas visit the Hazrat-i Ali shrine in Mazar-i-Sharif, the centre of Afghan New Year’s or Nauruz celebrations,...
Burka Bans Spreading, Though Shamefully Not In Britain
From PJM: Across Europe, moves are underway to ban the burqa and similar Islamic face coverings. French and Belgian lawmakers have voted overwhelmingly for bills that, if enacted, will ban the wearing of full-face veils in public. Politicians in the...
Burqa Is Our Choice "There is no reason why they would close the door to us and open the door for others like animals and homosexuals.'' WHEN the Reverend Fred Nile failed to secure enough votes for his bill to ban the burqa in State Parliament,...
Stupid, Dumb Or Brainless
Achelois:If all Muslim women stopped wearing the burqa and even the hijab from tomorrow, then what? What will happen in their lives and the lives of countless non-Muslims who want empowerment for Muslim women? How will that help terrorism? How will it...
Halaal Pornography
Pornography will be a benchmark for liberty in the Muslim world.How so? Let me explain. Understand: when I say pornography, I'm including everything from Playboy to the most hardcore, um, stuff. Westerners might think that this definition is too broad...
Green Energy