Green Energy
Boehner Files Court Brief Challenging Constitutionality of ObamaCare

The last sentence of the article below gave Zip heart palpitations. Click on title to read the whole thing.
Report: Obama’s Senior Aides Told Him Not to Sign ObamaCare and That it Was “Insane”
That Execrable Idiot John Edwards Was Right - There Are 2 Americas
Politico:Lawmakers, aides may get Obamacare exemptionCongressional leaders in both parties are engaged in high-level, confidential talks about exempting lawmakers and Capitol Hill aides from the insurance exchanges they are mandated to join as part of...
Spineless Bastards
The government we deserve. . . Newsmax: Boehner: Obamacare is 'Law of the Land' House Speaker John Boehner said on Thursday that Obamacare was “the law of the land” – apparently conceding that GOP efforts to repeal President...
Busted: Audio of Obama Lawyer Arguing Obamacare Is a Tax Stuns WH Chief of Staff Jack Lew (Video) From Gateway Pundit: Democrats told us Obamacare was not a tax. Then they argued in front of the Supreme Court that it was a tax. Now they want to...
Obama Threatens The Supreme Court… Again According to the Canada Free Press, Fox News’ Martha McCallum advised Thursday that the Obama Administration has been quietly sending missives to the Supreme Court threatening that if...
Rasmussen Poll: 60% Favor Repeal of ObamaCare This Obamanation must be destroyed. Click on the title to get the whole story at Weasel Zippers....
Green Energy