Green Energy
UK: Two Weeks After Radical Islamist is Elected Mayor of London Council, He Places CDs of Sermons by an Extremist Imam in Town Hall

From Weasel Zippers:
(Telegraph)- Two weeks after the extremist-backed politician, Lutfur Rahman, became mayor of Tower Hamlets, his council has placed CDs of sermons by an extremist Islamic preacher in its Town Hall.
The preacher, Abdur Raheem Green, has stated that “Islam is not compatible with democracy.” He also says that a husband has the right to administer “some type of physical force… a very light beating” to his wife, to prevent her from committing “evil.” There is, of course, a considerable irony here. You may remember that Lutfur won the mayoralty with the help of smear literature falsely claiming that his Labour opponent was… a wife-beater.
Extremist Preacher Linked To Osama Bin Laden Cannot Be Deported From Britain Despite Being Refused Uk Citizenship – Because It Would Breach His Human Rights
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Police 'covered Up' Violent Campaign To Turn London Area Sharia-compliant
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Uk: Islamists Contibue Receiving Secretly Funding In Tower Hamlets
Very disturbing things are going on at Tower Hamlets, the east London council which has fallen under the influence of an Islamic supremacist group, the Islamic Forum of Europe, based at the hardline East London Mosque. The Labour council leader, Lutfur...
Islamic Radicals 'infiltrate' The Labour Party
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Green Energy