Green Energy
Homeland Security’s Muslim Advisor Mohamed Elibiary Spoke at Conference Honoring Ayatollah Khomeini as “Islamic Visionary”

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Mohamed Elibiary Compares Egypt’s Morsi To Nelson MandelaIf you have comments about this please direct them to the Dept Of Homeland Security Comment line at 202-282-8495.CLICK ON THE TITLE TO GET THE REST OF THE STORY....
Dhs Adviser Mohammed Elibiary Declares, Muslim Brotherhood Like Christian Evangelicals – Us Is An Islamic Country
Religion of Peace:Department of Homeland Security adviser Mohamed Elibiary has penned yet another controversial tweet, this time likening the Muslim Brotherhood to evangelical Christians and comparing the Brotherhood’s indoctrination to Bible...
Muslim Brotherhood supporter gets Homeland Security promotion From Will at THE OTHER NEWS:Turkish website – “R4BIA is the end of Zionists.”Muslim Brotherhood supporter gets Homeland Security promotion.HT: BizpacReview.By Michael...
Janet Napolitano Is Unfit To Serve The People, And Mohammed Elbiary Is Jihadist Infiltrator Of The U.s. Government
From Robert Spencer: Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and four other representatives are now being accused of McCarthyismover the letter they sent to defense, diplomatic, intelligence, and law-enforcement agencies asking them to investigate...
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano Doesn't Know What Anti-Jihadist Bloggers Have Known For YearsWhat a fucking outrage! Specifically, that one of her own appointees, Mohamed Elibiary, is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Jihad...
Green Energy