From Atlas Shrugs:
More observations on the diabolically audacious design of the Ground Zero mega mosque revealed this week. I thought this was a very good observation on the dreaded Ground Zero mega mosque; it
was left in the Atlascomment section by TieDye:
Regarding the visual design of the facade of the mosque: Yes, there are many Stars of David, and as well, there are pentagons. They are stylized, but definitely there: the "clusters" of very thick framework within the design are all groupings of pentagon shapes.Also, the "dip" in the roofline has the eye seeing two buildings, and the varying light and darker areas do give the impression of smoke - all this besides the sloped rows of Stars of David.
And hasn't anyone else wondered why these islamists chose this particular view for their news release? Not just looking at the building - the eye is looking UP at an angle at the perceived height - just as were the most familiar photos of the towers of the World Trade Center.
Finally - considering what this building is, and where it is to be - there is not even the smallest possibility of the visual impression being coincidental. And no such "mistakes" would just "happen" to occur. This is so obviously a deliberate islamic victory design that I would venture the further possibility that if each and every one of those tiny-to-large openings, and/or design "lines" were counted, the total would reflect the total number of those slaughtered on 9/11/01.
In Islam, symbolism is all-important. Yes, the presence of the big sky ...... allah FUBAR :)