Green Energy
Photo and video report from rally against proposed mosque in Sheepsheadbay, Brooklyn,
From Watcher at Eye on the World:
This was the second rally organized by the Bay People Inc., the organization created by the people living in the Sheepshead Bay area of Brooklyn, NY. Like the first rally, between 200 and 300 people showed up, but this time, across the street there was a counter-rally of several dozen in support of the proposed mosque.

Most people on our side were area residents understandably concerned about the quality of life and security of the neighborhood, while the opposing side were sharia compliant "newcomers", most of whom for a good 1.5 hours were screaming nonstop "racists go home!", either without thinking or intentionally trying to equate Islam with ethnicity, and without realizing the irony of their own words, especially the "go home" part. You'll hear them screaming in the videos below. They were joined by several left-wing doofuses.

Notice the "Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants" poster. Looks familiar? Commies were handing out leaflets with the same title 2 weeks ago in Manhattan at their support-Islam-hate-the-Tea-Party rally near the City Hall (see the first pichere). Also notice at the bottom of the poster it says "CUNY Internationalist Clubs".
There much more. Go see the whole thing.
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Green Energy