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Obama Says He Ordered Defense Secretary Gates to Personally Call Koran Burning Pastor
From Weasel Zippers:

Strangely, Obama spent a great deal of time during today’s press conference defending Muslims but didn’t mention anything about Christian persecution in Islamic countries, I’m sure it just slipped his mind.
(The Hill)- In a press conference designed to defend his economic policies, President Obama waded deeper into religious tensions gripping the nation by speaking out forcefully in defense of religious pluralism.
Speaking a day before the nine-year anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Obama made a passionate plea to Americans to differentiate between terrorists and Muslims.
“We have to make sure that we don’t start turning on each other,” an impassioned Obama said at his first full press conference since May. “And I will do everything that I can as long as I’m president of the United States to remind the American people that we are one nation, under God. And we may call that God different names, but we remain one nation.”
While the president spent a great deal of time discussing the “painfully slow” economic recovery and the midterm elections, the majority of the press conference centered on a discussion about U.S. relations with the Muslim world. The summer congressional recess has been dominated by debates surrounding the plans of a New York group to build an Islamic Center blocks from Ground Zero, and a Florida pastor’s plan, now suspended, to burn copies of the Quran.
While Obama sounded professorial and rehearsed as he repeated his talking points on the economy and the midterms, the president projected a solemn and somewhat impatient tone as he discussed the divide between the U.S. and the Muslim world.
As commander in chief, Obama said he asked Defense Secretary Robert Gates to call Florida pastor Terry Jones, whom Obama did not name, and ask that he not go forward with the Quran burning.
As I said in several posts and their comments sections today, the FBI visited Pastor Jones, the Secretary of Defense called him, and Obama spoke negatively of Pastor Jones' intentions.
There is no law against burning the Koran, the flag, or any other totemic figure.
Therefore, it is clear our Federal government is attempting to intimidate this Pastor so that he will not exercise his First Amendment Right to speak out against Islam in the way he sees fit.
Because our government has crossed the line into intimidation under the color of the authority of their offices, IT BECOMES INCUMBENT UPON US, ALL OF US INDIVIDUALS, TO STAND AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT'S INTIMIDATION TACTICS.
At this juncture, the best way for us to do so is to do exactly what they are trying to scare Pastor Jones into not doing.
It is incumbent upon us all to burn copies of the Koran, and to do so in a public manner.
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