Green Energy
WTF is our NATIONAL GUARD chief doing hosting an IFTAR dinner at his home?

If that wasn’t bad enough, then General Craig R. McKinley goes and gushes about the experience to Asharq Alawsat like some kind of hormone-addled teenage boy.
Click on the title to get the story at Weasel Zippers.
Obama Claimed That The "first" Iftar Dinner In The White House Was Hosted By Thomas Jefferson
From Right Wing News: Remember that iftar dinner the president sponsored? The dinner that got him in trouble because he came out in strong support of the mega-mosque at Ground Zero, support from which he backed away the very next day? Well, it turns...
AZ Gov. Brewer suspends AZ Attorney General (D-erelict) from defending immigration law after catching him in collusion with WH Or Obama undermines the rule of law once again to advance his radical agenda. Click on the title to get the whole story at...
Airline Bomb Scare Diplomat Was Traveling To Visit Imprisoned Al-Qaida Agent Something about this story smells.Click on the title to get the whole story at Weasel Zippers. ...
NYC Police Commissioner: We Were NEVER Consulted by Obama Administration Before Decision to Move 9/11 Trials to Manhattan... Click on the title to get the story at Weasel Zippers....
Storm Track Appeasement: Vet Barred From English Police For "england" Tattoo
Hat tip to Weasel Zippers. When a nation no longer respects itself it lowers itself to this. PATRIOTIC squaddie Craig Briggs has been barred from joining the police — because he’s got an ENGLAND tattoo on his arm. The Iraq veteran, 22, had wanted...
Green Energy