Green Energy
White House Directive: Erect Signs at All Stimulus Projects as “Symbol of President Obama’s Commitment to American People”

Erecting signs to Dear Leader’s greatness…sounds rather…
Click on title to see the whole story at Weasel Zippers.
CBS Poll: 52% Say Obama Moving America Towards Socialism Obama, a socialist? That’s crazy talk.Click on the title to read the whole story at Weasel Zippers. ...
Airline Bomb Scare Diplomat Was Traveling To Visit Imprisoned Al-Qaida Agent Something about this story smells.Click on the title to get the whole story at Weasel Zippers. ...
Ed Schultz Visits the White House and Says 'It's Almost a Shrine' To Obama...From Weasel Zippers: The Narcissist-In-Chief is overdue for his Thorazine suppository and electroshock treatment... Via Newsbusters Agreed, this doesn't...
NYC Police Commissioner: We Were NEVER Consulted by Obama Administration Before Decision to Move 9/11 Trials to Manhattan... Click on the title to get the story at Weasel Zippers....
After Covering Up Symbol For Jesus At Georgetown, White House Had Obama Speak In Front Of Symbols For Ama, Aarp And Human Rights Campaign
Really, think about it, why would Obama be so opposed to Christian symbols? From CNS News: ( – When President Barack Obama spoke at Gaston Hall at Georgetown University on April 14, the university complied with a White House...
Green Energy