Green Energy
California: Pro-Sharia Mosque Gets OK to Build 64 Ft Minaret

In another step forward towards the Islamification of America, a Santa Clara Mosque has been given the OK to put up a sign of Islamic dominance, in a 64 Ft minaret. The Muslim Community Association runs the Mosque, and it sure would have been nice if the people of the community, would have taken the time to gather some back round information on them. From the MCA “constitution”…
Whereas we, the Muslims of the San Francisco Bay area, recognize Islam as a total way of life and have pledged to endeavor practicing it as such, we do hereby adopt and give to ourselves this constitution which is formulated in accordance with Quran and Sunnah, and pledge to abide by its provisions, Insha’Allah.
Section 1.
The aims and purposes of the Association shall be to advance the cause of Islam and serve Muslims in the San Francisco Bay area so as to enable them to adopt Islam as a complete way of life.
Section 1.
The Association shall be affiliated with the Muslim Community Association of United States and Canada, an organization of the Islamic Society of North America. This affiliation shall be in accordance with Article III of the constitution of the Muslim Community Association of United States and Canada as shown in Annexure I.
Section 2.
An applicant a or renewing member shall testify in the basic beliefs of Islamic faith specifically:
1. Belief in Allah (SWT);
2. Belief in Muhammad (PBUH) as the last of the prophets;
3. Belief in the Books of Allah (SWT);
4. Belief in the angels;
5. Belief in the Day of Judgment;
6. Belief in Kadaa and Qudr.
Section 3.
A person who belongs to a group which has deviated from the specified Islamic beliefs such as Quadianis, Druze, and Bahais shall not be members of the Association.
You cannot get anymore pro-Sharia than that, and if Sharia is not banned, it will eventually destroy America as know it from within.
Santa Clara: Mosque’s 64-foot minaret OK’d by planning commission
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Green Energy