Green Energy
Rosie O’Donnell Show: People Opposed to Ground Zero Mosque Are Persecuting Muslims Like Nazis Did to Jews in the 1930s

Do they make burqas in XXXXL? Because if the do, send one to Rosie and let her convert to Islam. She’ll learn real fast what the people who are building this mosque think of people such as herself (and her girlfriend).
Leftist Icon Roseanne Barr Says Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler Were Jewish…

This is the Left in all it’s glory. Irrational, ignorant and stupid beyond all comprehension…
Click on the titles to get the whole story.
The fix was in: Ground Zero mega-mosque building owners nixed $18M offer before taking Islamic supremacists' $4.8M one Every day brings new revelations of how shady and dishonest the leaders of the Ground Zero mega-mosque initiative are, and how fishy...
Rosie O'donnell Agrees With Helen Thomas: Jews Should Go Back To Germany And Poland
UPDATED AT BOTTOM OF POST This audio from a Rosie O'Donnell Radio Show made my jaw drop. It is painful to listen to. Anti-Semitism is getting worse. It has caught fire in our land. UPDATED - Here's a comment from a German man (discussing Helen...
ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: BABU SUSEELAN, PRESERVE OUR FREEDOM, PROTECT OUR DEMOCRACY; SAY NO TO MOSQUE AT “GROUND ZERO”From Atlas Shrugs: Babu Suseelan, Hindu leader and human rights activist, is a university professor and psychologist. He is also the Director...
The Marseille Demonstration-sioe
SIOE stands for Stop he Islamisation Of Europe. From Gandalf at Up Pompeii: Less than 100 men and women turned up to show their disapproval of building a new big mosque in Marseille. The biggest on the continent. These determined and brave people were...
Storm Track Appeasement: Rosie’s Holy War And A Jihadist Gets A Good Citizen Award
From The Gathering Storm Maybe she wants to be known as the left-wing Ann Coulter or maybe this is just the latest howl from a moonbat. “Rosie O'Donnell says "radical" Christians in America are just as much of a threat as the followers of...
Green Energy