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Obama Congratulates Kenya for Passing Pro-Sharia, Obama-Backed Constitution
From Life Site:
WASHINGTON, DC, August 6, 2010 ( - On Thursday, President Obama praised Kenya for approving a controversial new constitution that liberalizes abortion laws and that partially implements Muslim Sharia law within Kenya's borders.
"This was a significant step forward for Kenya's democracy," President Obama stated, "and the peaceful nature of the election was a testament to the character of the Kenyan people."
The new constitution was approved by about 70% of voters. It permits abortion for the sake of the "health" of the mother - a term that opponents of unborn rights admit can be "broadly interpreted when need be" to help bring about abortion on demand.
It also carves out legal space for Muslim khadi courts, which handle family issues in accord with Sharia law. Only about 12% of Kenya is Muslim.
Go to Atlas to learn more about the history of Obama's support for Sharia law in Kenya.
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