Green Energy
UK Poll: Three-Quarters of non-Muslims Believe Islam Provides Negative Contribution to British Society

The Brits get it. Their government does not, but they do.
Click on the title to get the whole story.
Brits are too polite and scared of offending ‘vocal and aggressive Muslims’, claims former Obama adviser Daily Mail:Professor Lawrence Krauss spoke out after debate at UCL last weekIslamic group tried to enforce segregation between men and womenLeading...
Game Over Iii: 78% Of British Muslims Want Limits On Free Speech When It Comes To Criticizing Religion
Can you imagine anyone proposing limits on the rights of individuals to speak out against the other powerful institutions that frame our society? Can you imagine anyone proposing limitations on the criticism of Business, Government, Academia, or the...
Poll: 75% Are Angry At Government’s Current Policies... But, but, but the Tea Parties are just a fringe minority!... Click on the title to get the whole story....
British Muslims Don't Feel British
Oh? You don't say: Over a third of British Asians do not feel British, a BBC poll suggests. The research for the Asian Network discovered 38% of the UK residents of South Asian origin polled felt only slightly or not at all British. Over a third...
We're Fucked: British Muslims Most Anti-western, Most Anti-semitic, Yet Most Loved By Host Nation
Public opinion in Britain is mostly favourable towards Muslims, but the feeling is not requited by British Muslims, who are among the most embittered in the western world, according to a global poll published yesterday. The poll found that 63% of all...
Green Energy