Green Energy
Poll: 54% of Canadians Say Burqa Should be Banned

From Weasel Zippers:
OTTAWA — Canada should ban burkas in public, according to more than half of the people polled exclusively for QMI Agency.
The Leger Marketing online poll found 54% of people surveyed said the government should follow France’s lead and not allow women to wear burkas in public for safety and transparency reasons.
Only 20% of respondents said Canada shouldn’t consider a ban because it’s an issue of freedom of religion and freedom of expression, and 15% said it didn’t affect them either way.
Older Canadians were more likely to agree with a ban, with 71% of those 65 years and older choosing that option. Only 40% of Canadians 18-34 years old said burkas should be banned.
Leger Marketing vice-president Dave Scholz said the poll surprised staff at the research firm.
“This is Canada — we don’t ban anything,” he said.
Sentiment was particularly strong in Quebec, where the debate over reasonable accommodation for new Canadians has been raging, with 73% of respondents saying they want a ban.
Morton Weinfeld, a sociology professor at McGill University, said the strong response in Quebec could be a result of spending 50 years cutting down the place of Catholicism in the province.
“Why should they fill that void with Islam?” he said.
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