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Somalia: Al-Shabaab Force School Children to Watch Public Execution of Christian Convert
From Weasel Zippers:

Washington, D.C. (July 7, 2010)– International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that members of the Al-Qaeda linked Somali Islamist group, Al-Shabaab, publicly executed a Christian convert from Islam in the in Hudur district, Somalia on July 1st.
Muhammad Guul Hashim Idiris, a Christian convert from Islam, was traveling by land from Kalafo, an Ethiopian border town, to visit his mother in Mogadishu.
A fellow passenger recognized his Christian background and asked him if he thought the prophet Muhammad was a genuine messenger from God. Idiris responded by saying, “If I thought so, I would have believed in him instead of the Messiah.”
Once they reached the Hudur district, a stronghold of the Al- Shabaab terror network, the Muslim man reported Idiris to Al-Shabaab and had him detained on June 27th. Idiris was accused of insulting the prophet Muhammad. It is a serious sin to consider Muhammad not to be a genuine prophet and it warrants the death penalty.
Sheik Adan Yare, the Al-Shabab governor of the Bakol region, spoke to the press on July 1st and said, “ Our holy warriors have today, on July 1st at 11: 45 am, executed in front of angry Muslim witnesses a young man whose name was Muhammad Guul Hashim Idiris who insulted our beloved prophet.”
The execution, which took place at a make-shift soccer stadium, was attended by hundreds of people, including school children who were forced to watch the execution.
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