Green Energy
Thousands of Afghans Burn Effigy of Pope Benedict, Call for Killing of Christian Converts
From Weasel Zippers:

We can try and liberate them from the Taliban but we can’t liberate them from their biggest oppressor, Islam…
(3 News New Zealand)- Over a thousand protesters turned out onto the streets of Mazar-e-Sharif in northern Afghanistan, to demonstrate against foreign NGOs (non-governmental organisations) which were being investigated for spreading Christianity in the country.
This is the third mass protest in just over a week since Afghan authorities suspended two Christian aid groups, the US-based Church World Service and Norwegian Church Aid, on suspicion of proselytising in the strictly Islamic nation.
During their hour-long march, demonstrators shouted slogans such as “Death to America! Long live Islam!” and carried banners and placards protesting against the foreign presence in the country.
The protesters, who were mostly college students, also burned a stuffed figure in western dress, reportedly an effigy of the Pope.
An estimated 200 police were on duty at the protest, which ended peacefully.
“We want those who have converted from Islam to be punished. We also want the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to ban all the churches that have been established and any organisation spreading Christianity here,” said one protester, Zabiullah Khan.
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