Green Energy
Helen Thomas Dropped As A Client Because Of Those Evil Jews (Actually Because Of What She Said About Them)
From Weasel Zippers:

Politico: Nine Speakers, the agency that represents Helen Thomas, has dropped her as a client. This comes in the wake of controversial remarks on the Middle East.
The notice, obtained by POLITICO:
It is with a heavy heart that Nine Speakers, Inc. announces its resignation as the agent for Helen Thomas, Dean of the White House Press Corps.
Ms. Thomas has had an esteemed career as a journalist, and she has been a trailblazer for women, helping others in her profession, and beyond.
However, in light of recent events, Nine Speakers is no longer able to represent Ms. Thomas, nor can we condone her comments on the Middle East.
So, the question is, when will Hearst fire her?
Oh yeah, and when will the White House take away her Press Credentials?
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