Green Energy
Arizona Threatens to Pull Plug on LA’s Energy Supply if They Go Through With Boycott Over Immigration Law
Man, they really mean business in Arizona. I'm not fully behind this law myself, because Driver's Licenses are not proof of Citizenship (and there is no law requiring all citizens to carry proof of citizenship, so I believe this law will cause people to be detained on suspicion of being an illegal alien, which I think is stupid), but
Someone has to stand up for what they believe in.
From Weasel Zippers:

An Arizona utility commissioner said he’s willing to pull the plug on Los Angeles if the city goes through with a boycott of his state.
In a letter to the city of LA, a member of Arizona’s power commission said he would ask Arizona utility companies to cut off the power supply to Los Angeles. LA gets about 25 percent of its power from Arizona.
“That is one commissioner who has that idea — whether he can do that or not is another idea,” said LA Councilman Dennis Zine. “They are the ones who have to make the move, not us.”
The commissioner’s power grid play is in response to the city’s approval of a resolution directing city staff to consider which contracts with Arizona can be terminated.
Is The Federal Govt Morally Or Legally Required To Enforce The Laws, Or …?
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Green Energy