Green Energy
NYC Muslim Group Planning Another Mosque Next to Ground Zero

How about this, for every mosque built next to Ground Zero we can build a church in Mecca? In other words, it’ll never happen.
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Must-See Film on Ground Zero Mosque ControversyFrom PJM: An interview with Pamela Geller, one of the producers of The Ground Zero Mosque: Second Wave of 9/11 Attacks. As the tenth anniversary of 9/11 approaches, a movie about the Ground Zero mosque...
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Mega Mosque Imam Comes Right Out And Says It: I Love Sharia, And Support Hizbollah, And The Muslim Brotherhood
This man needs to be imprisoned for Sedition. From the Huffington Post: To understand this, one must understand the role that Islam plays in the Muslim world. In the United States, when we have a grievance, we say, "That's unconstitutional! There...
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What You Need To Know About The Ground Zero Mosque, The Cordoba Initative, And The Imam Behind Both
Islamic Supremacist 911 Mega Mosque Imam Rauf's "Muslim Leader of the Future" Hater, Anti-Semite, Jihadist Ground Zero Mosque Imam Tied To "Free Gaza" Flotilla About the Ground Zero Mosque Imam Ground Zero Mosque Imam: "I Don't Believe...
Green Energy