From Atlas Shrugs:
Tolerance and plurality, right? A shrine to jihad on the hallowed ground of the World Trade Center. We are accomplices in Muslim expansionism.
This arson attempt is fresh on the heels of the attack on Lars Vilks: Artist Attacked by Muslims During Free Speech Lecture UPDATE: VIDEO ALLAHU AKBAR!
Why was there no protection around his house? How can we, as free men, sanction this? It is matter of time before they get him.And this is not merely merely a "Danish" jihad, this is global. You must remember that the now
infamous American Jihad Jane was conspiring with other devout Muslims to murder Vilks. How many Van Goghs must we mourn before we understand we have a terrible war on our hands? Untie our hands.
Arson attack on Lars VilksLast night attackers tried to burn Muhammad cartoonist's house down
COPENHAGEN May 15 2010
By Uwe Max Jensen, During the night of May 15 unknown perpetrators smashed a window in Lars Vilks' house in Scania, Sweden, poured gasoline into the bouilding and proceeded to set fire to it.
By coincidence the artist spent the night with his girlfriend and escaped with his life.
After being alerted by the Swedish police, Vilks has returned to his house, where contacted him at noon today.
"The place is swarming with police and I can talk no further right now," Vilks told Sappho's reporter. In the background one can hear policemen talking to each other.
Sappho is following the case and will soon have a man on the spot in Scania.
Lars Vilks' blog is up and running again after being hacked following Islamicist attacks on him at Uppsala University last Tuesday.
In a comment to this latest attempt on Vilks' life, the President of the Free Press Society Lars Hedegaard expresses his astonishment.
"How was possible for these murderers to gain access to Vilks' house only a few days after a mob assaulted him at Uppsala University? What are the Swedish police and political class up to? As far as I know not a single Swedish politician has had a word to say about the attack in Uppsala. Is the truth that Swedish power-holders prefer to see Vilks killed in order to send a message to other critics of the Swedish multicultural idyll?"
“Now is the time to demonstrate practical solidarity. We can all do that by purchasing the drawing his would-be murderers are so angry about," says Lars Hedegaard.