Green Energy
Internal AT&T presentation: we'll save $4.1 billion a year if we drop all employee health care benefits
From Director Blue. Click on the title to read the whole thing.
You know how President Obama relentlessly marketed his health care takeover with the slogan 'If you like your current health care plan, you'll be able to keep it™'?
Here's a news flash that you won't see in the legacy media: he lied.
Someone inside AT&T leaked an internal Powerpoint presentation that measured the financial impact of DemCare.

AT&T estimates that it can save upwards of $4 billion annually by dropping health care coverage and paying the penalty tax instead.
Obama The Liar
“If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan.” (Actually, it was a little more than 16 words if you include what the president said next: “Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”) Obama's 16...
What Is A "state-run Health Insurance Exchange?
From The Crimson Reach I just realized what a health-care 'exchange' is. It hit me when seeing this piece: Starting in October, Americans without access to affordable health care coverage through their jobs will be able to shop for insurance...
Unreal: Obama Administration Not Ruling Out Turning Away People With Pre-Existing Conditions From Government Run Health-Care Plan I feel like banging my head against a wall. Pre-existing conditions was Obama’s number-one selling point for his health-care...
AT&T to Book $1 Billion Cost on Health-Care ReformFrom Business Week: AT&T Inc. will book $1 billion in first-quarter costs related to the health-care law signed this week by President Barack Obama, the most of any U.S. company so far. A change...
New Poll Finds Americans Really, Really Don’t Like Obamacare …Update: 46% of Doctors Consider Quitting From Gateway: It’s beyond sleazy. A new poll shows that Obamacare is very unpopular with the majority of Americans. Pajamas Media reported:...
Green Energy