Green Energy
Obama’s Transportation Secretary Says “Americans are Sick and Tired of Motorized Transportation” - Says We Want Bicycles

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of these guys presuming to speak for me.
( – Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said Friday that Americans are “tired” of motorized transportation and its attendant hassles, and instead are looking for other options such as bicycle lanes and walking paths, which the government will add to its infrastructure.
Kuwait Air Ends New York Service Because It Refuses To Carry Jews
From the Times of Israel: “The US Department of Transportation will not tolerate unlawful discrimination, and has mandated that the airline immediately cease that practice and allow Israeli passengers to travel between the US and London,” Anthony...
Ebola Contradictions
So, Americans possibly exposed to Ebola are under these restrictions, which include not using public transportation. However, those entering the United States from the Ebola Hot Zone and, therefore, possibly exposed to Ebola, are riding on commercial...
This Just In...
The following Action Alert just arrived in my inbox from ACT! for America. Let's add momentum to this important legislation! *** LEGISLATIVE ACTION ALERT *** VOICE YOUR SUPPORT FOR THE OPEN FUEL STANDARD AMENDMENT TO THE SENATE TRANSPORTATION BILL!This...
Not Wrong, Evil
The haters of human life and prosperity - who have made academia their GHQ - have a plan to destroy the American economy. They claim the need to kill the energy and transportation industries is made necessary by their global warming climate change junk...
Paging Mr Orwell
Oh for chrissake this is getting way out of hand. To do this would reguire "every vehicle to be equipped with global satellite positioning technology, a transponder, a clock and other equipment to record how many miles a vehicle was driven, whether it...
Green Energy