Green Energy
Carbon-Capture Face Mask for Human Breath
Damien says:
It's the ECO-Burqa. Submit to Islam and save Mother Earth! 
Scientists seeking ways to save the planet and spur environmental industry expansion have created the carbon-capture face mask to scrub carbon dioxide from human breath. Plant seeds are preloaded into the mask to germinate and grow. After sufficient root presence, the seeds can be put in soil. Anticipating more environmental breakthroughs, I suppose that we'll soon see a methane-capture sustainability filter for human gas exhaust. Remember, everything deserves consideration when saving the planet.
They really should have designed it in Marijuana.
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions With A More Effective Carbon Capture Method
"Alkali Metal Nitrate-Promoted High-Capacity MgO Adsorbents for Regenerable CO₂ Capture at Moderate Temperatures" Chemistry of Materials Trapping carbon dioxide (CO₂ ) emissions from power plants and various industries could play a significant...
Global Warming Is The New Religion Of First World Urban Elites
From the Vancouver Sun: Geologist Ian Plimer takes a contrary view, arguing that man-made climate change is a con trick perpetuated by environmentalists Ian Plimer has outraged the ayatollahs of purist environmentalism, the Torquemadas of the doctrine...
Green Economy
What is Green Economy? Green Economy is the economy wherein sustainable society exists with zero carbon emissions and a one-planet footprint. Here, naturally restored renewable resources are utilized to acquire energy. A green economy is applicable...
What are Biofuels? Biofuels are fuel having energy from geologically recent carbon fixation which are produced from living organisms. Carbon fixation exists in plants and micro algae. These fuels are produced from a biomass conversion. There are...
Why Use Biomass?
One of the biggest advantages of using biomass is the fact that it is a renewable energy source. Making use of biomass energy means that the carbon emissions usually associated with burning fossil fuels are drastically reducing, thereby diminishing the...
Green Energy