Green Energy
CAIR Chief: RevolutionMuslim a Conspiracy to “Smear Islam”
Click on the title to read the whole story.

Ibrahim Hooper doesn’t say who’s behind this supposed conspiracy, but we all know who he thinks the culprits are…da evil Zionist Jooooos….
CAIR Chief: No Such Thing As “Radical Islam” Then again, the Koran taken at face value is inherently radical so he might be on to something. CLICK ON TITLE FOR THE WHOLE STORY....
Ibrahim Cooper spews bullshit on FOX to the Islamic terror in Boston, Vlad Tepes Blog Counters From Vlad Tepes Blog: I did not remove anything he said, but I did add evidence to the contrary. Also, please read the comments. A few people now...
FBI chief: "We have no formal relationship with CAIR because of concerns with regard to the national leadership"CAIR's ties to Hamas are "ongoing," say the feds. Yet the mainstream media keeps going to that amiable stomach-stapled beekeeper,...
Great Moments In The History Of Islamic Intelligence
From Jihad Watch: Rotary and Lions Clubs part of "Zionist conspiracy"! Threat to Islam"They gather funds and give them to America and the Israeli Zionists.'' Conspiracy Paranoia Alert from modern, moderate Indonesia: "Rotary Club a 'threat'...
Scair Tactics And The Cultural Divide
Watch out! CAIR has begun trying to intimidate bloggers. Thank you to Pim's Ghost, from What Would Charles Martel Do? for sending this over: The Council on American Muslim Relations (CAIR) has recently begun agaitations in the section of their organization...
Green Energy