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From Weasel Zippers:

( – A simmering dispute over collaboration between Amnesty International and a former Guantanamo Bay detainee with Taliban sympathies has heated up after a senior Amnesty official argued that “defensive jihad” is not antithetical to human rights.
A trio of South Asian women’s rights campaigners expressed dismay at the prospect that Amnesty International would not unequivocally condemn the “defensive jihad” concept.
“If this is the official position of the world’s leading human rights organization, this would gravely undermine the future of the human rights movement,” said Amrita Chhachhi, Sara Hossain and Sunila Abeysekera in a letter to Amnesty Secretary-General Claudio Cordone.
“It is the argument of ‘defensive jihad’ that the Taliban uses to legitimize its anti-human rights actions such as the beheading of dissidents, including members of minority communities, and the public lashing of women,” they said.
The Wages Of Islam: Amnesty International Approves Policy To Decriminalize Sex Trade
Amnesty approves policy to decriminalize sex trade*** LONDON (AP) — Amnesty International has approved a controversial policy to endorse the de-criminalization of the sex trade, rejecting complaints by women’s rights groups who say it is tantamount...
Yahoo: Taliban stone couple for adultery in Afghanistan By AMIR SHAH KABUL, Afghanistan – Taliban militants in northern Afghanistan stoned a young couple to death for adultery, which a rights group said was the first confirmed use of the punishment...
Statement by Gita Sahgal on Leaving Amnesty International From the Amnesty International Website: Below follow two statements on the departure of the Head of the Gender Unit from Amnesty International following her making public...
Second Senior Amnesty International Official Blasts Group For Working With Well-Known al-Qaeda Sympathizer... From Weasel Zippers: (London Times)- A senior executive at Amnesty International has urged the charity to admit it made a “mistake”...
Storm Track Intimidation: Muslim Refuses To Shake And Loses Prize
Chalk it up to stupidity. Here we have a Muslim asylum seeker who was awarded a prize for his work raising funds for Amnesty International. You know that ultra-Left human rights organization. The organization whose self-appointed task is to make sure...
Green Energy