Green Energy
While visiting the State Department's official website, curious to see if Hillary or Obama would post a Good Friday/Passover message to the Jewish community, as he is so fond of recognizing other foreign national holidays, I clicked onto the "Countries & Regions" tab at the top, a list of search options drop down, the first is the "A-Z List of Countries and Regions." I clicked on it, then clicked 'I' for Israel. It took a while, then came the headline:
"We’re sorry. That page can’t be found and may have moved" IN BOLD RED LETTERS.
Click on the title to read the whole story.
Muslim Population In American Up 60% In Just Four Years - Jumps From 1.5 Million To Nearly 2.5 Million
I Will Stand With The Muslims From Breitbart: Approximately 2.5 million immigrants from “predominantly Muslim countries” reside inside the U.S. right now, a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies found. The four-page report, which...
Obama Supporters Celebrate His Win, Declaring, No More Israel, "kill Those Motherfuckers"
Obama supporters out celebrating his win on election night gathered on State Street Tuesday evening. I asked one man why he was celebrating Obama, and what that meant to him. He said, “It really means to me, no more Israel…Mitt Romney would go to...
India, The Most Pro-israel Country In The World
I'm guessing this is because Indians do not fall, for a second, for any Islamic bullshit, because they've seen enough of it themselves. They know Taqiyya when they see it. From Ynet: The greatest level of sympathy towards Israel can be found...
If The Wedding Cake Explodes, Will There Be Anyone Left To Hear It?
Some things never change Driving out to pick up milk this morning, I heard on the radio a report that an Afghan-born suspect arrested in Denver by the FBI in connection with a major terrorist plot has confessed to having received training by al-Qaeda,...
Mumbai Photos
Green Energy