Green Energy
From Weasel Zippers:

And if freezing to death wasn't enough irony, he was attempting to film the "devastation brought on by global warming"...
Famed global warming activist James Schneider and a journalist friend were both found frozen to death on Saturday, about 90 miles from South Pole Station, by the pilot of a ski plane practicing emergency evacuation procedures."I couldn't believe what I was seeing", recounted the pilot, Jimmy Dolittle. "There were two snowmobiles with cargo sleds, a tent, and a bright orange rope that had been laid out on the ice, forming the words, 'HELP-COLD'."
One friend of Prof. Schneider told ecoEnquirer that he had been planning a trip to an ice sheet to film the devastation brought on by global warming. His wife, Linda, said that she had heard him discussing the trip with his environmental activist friends, but she assumed that he was talking about the Greenland ice sheet, a much smaller ice sheet than Antarctica.
Epa Chief Blames Boston's Worst Winter Ever On Global Warming
From Gateway Pundit: First they said global warming was causing more snow to fall. Then they said global warming was causing more ice to form. Then they said global warming was causing ships to get stuck in Antarctica ice....
And Apparently One Of Them Is A Physicist
1 IN 4 AMERICANS UNAWARE THAT EARTH CIRCLES SUNAmericans are enthusiastic about the promise of science but lack basic knowledge of it, with one in four unaware that the Earth revolves around the Sun, said a poll out Friday. The survey included more than...
The Science Is Settle On Anthropocentric Globull Warming
Scientists don't believe in it. Not the Meteorologists. Not the Geologists. Not the Engineers. Nor the Weathermen who are, themselves, Meteorologists. The consensus shows, the Science is settled. And, it's Peer-Reviewed:Don’t look now, but...
White House: About That Global Warming Thing, Maybe We Oughta Call It A Disruption
Seriously, dudes, if you're into Obama, tell me, how do you have a "disruption" in weather? Does that mean, like, there was no weather for a little while. Cuz, if so, that must have been a real trip. Sorry I didn't notice it.From Weasel...
The Long Denouement
Rasmussen Poll: Only 35% Now Believe in Man-Made Global Warming... The global warming alarmists like Al Gore, Charles Johnson and the UN's IPCC are finished, however the MSM will continue to play along and give the impression that people...
Green Energy