Green Energy
I first posted this September 2 (just a few hours before I found my self unemployed)(hmm. . .).
In light of Sunday's historic horrific vote, and the many new readers we've picked up, I thought it may be good to repost it.
Nothing has changed for the better and, in fact, has gotten far worse. But more and more Americans are finally taking a stand. Forget the political manuvering. If they begin to exercise civil disobedience and refuse to buy healthcare or any of the other provisions in it, and if the government then moves to enforce it against them, their roar will reach a great and terrible crescendo.
REVOLUTION, CIVIL WAR, and the AMERICAN DNAIt's time to come to terms with some truths about who we are, where we come from – our American DNA – and where it may lead us.
In comments the other day Rumcrook said it right. We are, by and large, an easygoing, live and let live people. We will put up with an awful lot of nonsense and chickenshit from nitwits, pissants and pantywaists. Even our American Revolution took a lot of prodding, excesses and abuse before it finally exploded.
But if you try to tell us how to live, we will likely flip you the bird. If you try to force us to live that way, that bird may be holding a rifle.
Our forefathers came here looking for freedom – religious, political, social, and
Along the way we have had to fight and kill, among others, British, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian (oh yes we have), Afghani, Iraqi and
our own fellow Americans
to defend and preserve this country, those freedoms, our own rowdy, rough and tumble way of living.
For 517 years we fought spilled blood and died for it. It is no longer just an ideal to us, it is in our blood. In our children’s’ blood as we pass the stories and histories down to them. From Paul Revere’s Ride to the slaughterhouses of Gettysburg and Antietam to Ypres, and Iwo Jima.
We will not easily surrender that freedom to any enemy, foreign or domestic.
Barack Hussein Obama is not interested in that history, those freedoms, The American DNA.
He would strip us of our freedom of assembly and expression. He tries to silence our voice at town halls and other meetings where, if we cannot be shouted down, he will use hired muscle to intimidate.
He allowed such thuggery to stand at polling stations on election day, having charges against such as the Black Panthers thrown out and allowing their intimidation to stand and set precedence.
He would appoint Czars to overseer every tenuous detail of our lives, from the car we drive to the food we eat and how we dispose of our trash, yet none to oversee the overseers.
He believes it is better for the government to choose our health care for us, that they know better what kind of treatment we need, or should forgo, because it is too expensive and thus sacrifice the lives of our loved ones on the altar of society’s tax burden.
He believes the government should own large businesses, buyout by bailout, and should dictate what an individual can earn for his chosen profession.
Dissent will not be tolerated. Snitch on your friends and neighbors, we even have an email account you can send your information to. And they want to know every detail of what you are thinking and doing so, if you take stimulus money, they may require access to your computers, your networks.
He apologizes to our enemies and snubs our friends.
He is destroying the defense capability of this nation, would charge the warriors who protected us with crimes against those who would kill us.
Most hideous and reprehensible of all, he would take a national day of mourning and turn it into a save the planet day.
Every step of the way these last six months we have watched as Barack Hussein Obama has tried to remake this nation, from one of pride, self-reliance and individualism to one of Social Dependency and Government Assisted Living.
And he wants to rule by paranoia.
Show up at a town hall against Obamacare and get an elbow to the face.
Try to vote against the Left and face a nightstick to the back.
Speak out against the government in an email and have it turned in to the White House by your “friend”.
Write about them on twitter or face book and have it captured by the government.
Need a little Federal help? Turn over your books to us so we can keep an eye on you.
Barack Hussein Obama is no friend to freedom and Americans are starting to (finally) wake up to that. His approval level has plunged to the low 40s’ More and more are voicing their disgust with his policies and showing their defiance of Big Government, showing up at town halls armed and unafraid.
They will not let him turn America into a Socialist backwater of history. We are still The City on the Hill.
But what will it take to preserve that? As he turns more of our own against us to dampen dissent and debate, will he eventually move to a Civilian Militia to maintain government order, will he try to force the military to enforce his policies?
And at what point will America say enough is enough? When will that spirit of independence awaken fully, and furiously?
Will we be forced to fight back, to physically DEFEND ourselves from intimidation and thuggery? Will we be forced to fight against having our children mandatorily volunteer for civilian service? Forced to point a gun back at the man pointing his at us to take little Sally off to 8 weeks of summer camp indoctrination and volunteerism?
Try forcing Bubba to give up his F-250 for a SmartCar.
Non-violent resistance is all well and good and admirable and preferable. But, historically, it’s not our way, to submit instead of stand our ground, even if it means knocking the other fellow on his ass.. And as the government continues to spiral out of control and lose all touch with ground truths, I see it as less and less likely to be the outcome.
We need to come to terms with the truth that The Revolution has already begun. Barack Hussein Obama started it when he decided The United States of America was no longer good enough and needed to be sacrificed and remade in his own image.The Revolution has already begun and - as brother turns against brother, friend against friend, along ideological lines - I’m afraid, will end in the civil war Jon Voight warned about.
It’s in our blood. And the blood of our children.
Fellow Infidels
(sticky for a bit) Flag by Bosch Fawstin Things have changed. Tuesday night laid bare the sea change in America. If you haven't heard O'Reilly and Hannity and Rushbo ad infinitum ad nauseum talk about it then you've been asleep. Or watching...
Obama; The Best Thing Ever To Happen To America
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Revolution, Civil War And The American Dna.
UPDATE - PASTORIUS CUTTING IN AT THE TOP OF MR'S POST: Midnight Rider has, here, written a kind of new Declaration of Independence. This is a brilliant post. I am going to add the old Declaration of Independence to the end of this post. Compare...
Nugent On Memorial Day
Human Events: Memorial Day Remembrance by Ted Nugent 05/22/2009 Memorial Day is the most important American holiday in the Nugent household.We know that without Memorial Day there would be no Independence Day, no freedoms, and no America. In fact, but...
Green Energy